Boosters Funding Request Process
Eligibility & Process
Funding requests for support can be made by the Athletic Director, coaches, or members in good standing subject to the submission procedures noted below.
Boosters meet monthly, typically the second Monday of the month, to review and discuss the requests submitted. The Booster website has the calendar of actual meeting dates, time and location.
Those making the request are encouraged to come present their request in person and answer questions from the Membership, however, the Boosters must have a written copy of the request submitted to the Clerk at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
Following the process laid out in our By-Laws, the Boosters will make a determination on how to proceed with each request by either tabling, approving, or denying the request at the meeting.
The decision is subject to Boosters approvals as follows:
Majority vote of the Executive Board for requests under $250
Majority vote of members in good standing present for requests under $1,000
Two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at the meeting for items over $1000 and is subject to the Treasurer’s certification that it fits within the generalized Budget of the Boosters.
The Boosters will notify the Club, Sport or Activity of the final resolution of the Boosters as soon as practical. Once a grant is approved, funds are available immediately unless stipulated otherwise.
Boosters generally does not provide financial support from general funds for end of year banquets. Booster Club will consider non-WHS sanctioned sports/activities grant request and award nominations on a case-by-case basis subject to the request meeting the core mission of the Boosters.
To honor donor intentions, the Boosters prioritizes grants that use funds during the WHS school year. Exceptions would be requests for fall or beginning of the school year activities.